Dad and I wanted to wish you all a very
Merry Christmas!!
Mom, Ruth and boys we miss you all
very much. We wish you were here with
us, specially the boys who would love
the snow were are getting (<;
But we are glad you are able to spend it
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Posted by
8:01 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
After putting "pictures" from my
work party tonight, I thought I should
put this one on here. It was taken last
Friday at my Big work party. Meadowlark,
where I work is owned by a bigger
company, Porter Hills. Every year they
have a big christmas party. They have
a dinner and then they have nice door
prizes. The grand prize this year was
a $500 Visa Gift card. Of course I
did not win that, or any of the smaller
ones. That is the way my luck is though.
Last year at this same party I won the
second to the top prize, the only problem
is that is was a $300 gift certificate to
a heating and cooling place. I live in
an apartment, so of course this would
not really come in handy. Plus the business
is like I think about 45 minutes to an hour
away. Oh, well such is life. I still enjoy
Posted by
11:00 PM
I had a Christmas party at work tonight.
It was just a small one, but it was fun.
Of course my camera batteries needed
to be changed and I did not have any
new ones so I did not get very good
pitures and not very many. It is
quite dark too. Sorry!! But here
they are.
Our Nurse, Jackie. She is great. We
have lots of fun together.
To many people in this picture, so I
will not name them all. They were
getting in line for food. We had subs
and chips. We had Cheesecake for desert.
Jackie (back to camera) talking to
Carol (lavender)
Mike, Na-Na, and Julie
Na-Na dancing to the Christmas music
as she vacums up our mess.
Pat looking to see if there is anything
else that needs to be taken care of.
You can see Laura and Roy comming
out of the kitchen. Roy was probably
hidding so he would get out of cleaning.
Posted by
8:56 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
I am not the best person in the world
at decorating, but I made my best attempt
and decorated this tree at work. We do
not have a lot to work with there either
so I did the best with what I had. I took
this picture with my cell phone so it
is not the best quality, but I thought I
would show you all. Hope you are
enjoying this Christmas Season so far.
Posted by
12:06 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just wanted to post something because
I have not posted since getting back home.
I actually have been sick since I got home,
you know one of those nasty colds, it is going
around at work. So I have not felt like doing
I made it home safe. Duh right!! Althouth
I almost did not make it home, at least not
the day I was suppose to. Ruth and Easton
took me to the airport. The other boys were
in school. Well, I checked in my luggage and
then sat to visit with Rugh before I had to
go though security. She asked me how long
before I wanted to go. Well, for some reason
the line was extra long, so after we visited for
a little while I told her I should go. So we said
our goodbyes and I got in line. I had been in line
about 20 minutes and was about 15-20 people
from getting to the screening area, well I heard
them anounce "This is the last borarding call
for flight # with service to Detroit." As I was
hearing that a couple in front of me said that
was there flight, they told one of the airport
workers that was there and she motioned for
us to go to the front of the line. There was some
nice people that let me go infront of them and the
gentlemen in front of them was also on the same
flight. Well, of course it seemed like it took
forever for our stuff to come through, but it
finally did. I started to walk as fast as I could.
I thought I was doing ok and then I heard them
announce it again that it was the last calll for
my flight. Well, I do not know about you all
but I could not really afford to miss my flight.
So as another gentlemen was running past me I
thought Oh great, and I started to run a little.
Well, of course I made it I was in my seat for
just a few minutes when the announced that
they were shutting the doors. So thank goodness
I made it. Just thought you all might like to
hear about my little excitment.
While I was visiting Ruth and the boys,
we went to the West Palm Zoo. This is
a picture from that trip.
Posted by
3:59 PM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Today it is just Easton and me. He stayed
home from school today so we could go swimming.
I had taken Ethan and Evan the other day but
Easton was going to be taking a nap, so I decided
today was going to be the best day to keep him
and take him. We got done with swimming and
came home and had lunch. Well, he should be
taking a nap, but Aunt Becky said he could sit and
watch Dora and now Diego and that could be his
rest time. Of course he does not like to just sit
there so we will see how long this last. These are
a couple of pictures of him watching his Dora
and Diego. You can see he is sucking on his blankie.
Posted by
12:31 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
I guess at Ethan and
Evans School they have different class' do something
every Friday. Well, this Friday was Ethan's
First grade class' turn to do something. So I
was glad I was able to be there. My problem
was that I had my camera on the wrong
setting. I am so make at myself. I had it on the
video setting. I guess I should be thankful that
I was still able to get pictures and that I did not
mess that up. So here they are.
Ethan Jackson is in the front row, middle, red
A little further back
Another shot
I thought I would get the whole class.
Posted by
5:36 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Well I hope you all had a nice October 31st. However it was spent,
I spent mine in "sunny" Florida. I thought I would share a few pictures
Easton as Tom Sawyer
Ethan as #24 Jeff Gorden &
Evan as #20 Tony Stewart
Trick or treating.
Can you tell it was raining?
At one of Mommys friends house getting
more candy
Some of the candy
Ethan checking out some of
the loot.
Ethan and Evan working
on the loot
Easton after finishing his
last piece
Posted by
10:27 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted by
11:07 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
So I found this nice background. The problem is that you can see it through the pictures and stuff, which I do not like. But I love the background. So tell me what you think PLEASE!!! Even if you do not usually leave a comment I would love to know what you think. It bugs me when I get to a blog and I have a hard time reading it because it is so busy. So drop a note and let me know what you think. If you know a way that I can switch the stuff so that my list and stuff are switched with the current post. It seems like they should be switched around. Anyway if you have any ideas let me know. Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
Posted by
4:44 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I have not been on here for a while so I just wanted to post something.
I do not have anything exciting to write about, just the normal everyday things going on. I do enjoy watching the changing of the leaves and seeing all the fall things. It is so pretty. It goes fast though, one day you see a tree that is just turning beautiful colors and it seems like the next day the leaves are almost all brown and falling off. If I would have one bad thing to say about fall is that winter follows it. I do not mind winter that much I guess, it just seems like it is sooo long. So I want to enjoy the Fall Season while I can, I hope you all can too.
Posted by
10:20 AM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Today is my parents 38th Wedding Anniversary. I just wanted to let them know how much I love them. Mom got home yesterday from Florida, so just in time to celebrate with dad. Love you both, and just wanted to let you and everyone know that.
Posted by
10:58 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007

Excuse me as I take a moment to remember my grandparents. It has been almost 13 years since my grandfather passed away and 11 years since my grandmother passed away. I miss them so much and I can't believe they have been gone that long. They are my dads mom and stepdad. Grandpa married grandma when dad was young so he was part of the family forever. Don't tell dad I said forever, cause he would think I was calling him old.
I had come across this picture when I was looking for pictures of Evan to post on his kindergarten post. When I found it, I knew I wanted to put it on here, so thank you for letting me share them with you for just a few minutes.
I am not sure when this picture was taken, but my guess is maybe 1990 -- 1992. Not sure but sometime in there.
I love and miss you both!!!
Posted by
7:21 PM
Labels: Grandpa and Grandma Stuba
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Ven, I love you very much and I hope you have a good school year. I am very proud of you and what you have already done in Pre-School and I know you can do just as well in Kindergarten. Love and miss you! Aunt Becky
Posted by
11:16 PM
Labels: Evan off to Kindergarten
I just wanted to add that I talked to Ethan the other day. He said he just wanted to see what I was doing? We were talking, about nothing really, just talking. Then I asked him about starting school soon. He said, "I can't believe I am going to be starting 1st grade." I told him I could not believe it either. He then said, "I also can't believe that Evan is going to be starting Kindergatden." I asked him about Evan being excited to start kindergarten. He told me that he did not know if he was excited because he has not acted excited yet about sarting "real" schoo. See Evan has been going to pre-school, so I guess Eth does not think of that as real School. I just had to share.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Ok, I wanted to do a special post for my nephew. Evan Noel Jackson.
Evan is going to be starting Kindergarten on Monday August 20th. So I thought I would post some pictures of him from his first year or so of his life.
Evans hospital picture. Note the awesome onsie he is wearing!
Evan st 7 weeks.
At 3 months
9 months
9 months
1 year. Getting his start at reading (or at least looking like he is reading :>}
Evan with his big brother Ethan. The are practicing for their schooling years. (<;
13 months. Look at those big blue eyes.
Posted by
8:12 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Well, another sign that my nephew Ethan is growning up. When he was visiting the other day I was helping the boys with a bath. Well, I should say that I had helped the youngest two with thier bath and I had just told Eth that it was his turn. He got to the bathroom and then told me that I did not need to help him. Awe! Well, that was ok with me. He was in my bathroom, which is in my room and I was working on the computer (probably checking out other peoples blogs :>) I heard Eth in the bathroom say, "look at me I am santa" I guess he is still a kid after all. Thank goodness, cause the older he gets the older I get (<:
Posted by
5:34 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
This is just a picture I took when I took the three boys down by the little pond we have at the apartment complex I live. Ethan said they should lay there and look at the clouds. Of course just as soon as I snapped this picture they were off onto the next thing.
Posted by
6:48 PM
The pictures of my nephews running threw the sprinkler at Great Grandpa &mas house. They had fun. We had not planned on them doing this so of course they had to go in their undies. When they were getting ready to head to the sprinkler Ethan said "Its a good thing mine look like shorts." His undies looked like biker shorts. You can tell he is growing up. Sure wish I could see them more often. The night before we were going to be taking them back to Indiana Ethan asked who was going to be driving tomorrow. I told him I was and my mom added that I had to work tomorrow too. Ethan said "You had better get good rest because you have a busy day tomorrow." To cute!!
Posted by
6:37 PM