Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm in Florida!!!!

Yes, I am in Florida!!! And I am proud to say that

no one (including blabber mouth me) "Let the cat out

of the bag"
I was surprising Ruth and the boys and

I have had my ticket since the first part of September.

I has been so hard not saying anything. I would be

talking to Ruth and I would almost say something

about when I am down ther. Another good reason

to think before you say somethin. I will say though

that my surprise did not work quite like I wanted it

to. I had reserved a car rental, or so I thought. I messed

up on something, so my surprise had to be sprung on

the phone. Luckly Ethan and Evan got out of school at

1:00 yesterday. I called her about 1:15 and asked if

she could come pick my up. She had an appoitment

for Parent/Teacher conferance (that is why school was

dismissed at 1:00) We made it back to school by 2:30.

I am glad cause I was afraid I was going to cause her

to be late. Ruth had told the boys that they had to

go to the airport to pick up something that Grandp

& Grandma sent. I am sure they pretty much figured

it out. Easton was still at school. We got to the school

and he was outside with the rest of his class. When he

saw me he just looked at me. I even went up to him, he

was standing on the top of the slide, and he just kept

stairing at me. It was cute. We stopped at the store

on the way home and he quitely took my hand.

It was soooo sweet.

Anyway, I am here!


Eileen said...

Glad you made it okay. It was still a nice surprise I am sure, for them all. Nice blog. Thanks for sharing. Love You! Mom

My Life in Pictures said...

Awww!!!! Have fun!!!! Tell Ruth I said HI!