Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Well, because I do not know what I
am doing, the rest of my Universal
Pictures I can not post right now,
because Ruth has to email them to
me. I sent some of them in a photo
website so I have them but I can not
post them, so when I get more of
those I will put them on here. But
for the time being I will put some on
from our Safari trip we took on
Saturday April 21st. It was really
fun. We thought at first when we
were getting ready that we would not
be able to go because it was pouring
out, but it stopped and was only cloudy.
The weather was beautiful the whole time
we were there.

This is my sister Sarah. If you have
looked at my blog before you will notice
this is the same place that my mom
and the boys had there picture taken
when they took her, before she left in