( this picture is to prove that I WAS there.)Merry Christmas!!!!
We celebrated Christmas with Ruth, Ethan, Evan, Easton and Rodney on Saturday. They are on their way to Arizona for Christmas, so we wanted to have it before they left. Here are some pictures from then.

The tree in all its glory

a closer look with the nativity underneath

a look from the
looking into the house

a closer look at the nativity

these next few are just some of the decorations

right inside the door

our normal Christmas morning spread

the tree in the light

the boys "stockings"
If you can't tell their stockings are actually new lunch bags for school

the boys waiting. They did not know we were going to be having "Christmas", so they were excited to say the least.

poor kids, still waiting.

Evan, loving the chocolate
Easton checking out the stash from his bag.

Ethan getting ready to dig in.

checking everything out.
I had tried getting little things that they could use for their long trip out west.
Easton showing the gift he got Gamma. He was so excited to give his gifts.
He wanted to do them first. What a cutey.

Opening Evans gift. Not sure why
Easton was the one I got in the picture.
Opening her gift from Ethan
Easton giving his gift to Papa.

Dad with his gift from Evan.
When dad opened his gift he told Evan how much he could use it. I guess the first gift Evan picked out for grandpa didn't work or broke or something and he was very upset about it, he felt very bad. The thing is dad did not even know about this being a replacement gift when he told Evan that it was a good gift.

Dad opening his gift from Ethan

Mom with her Florida snowman

Ethan showing his smile and gift
Easton all smiles.


all three checking something out.


Dad smiling about the sports game he got.

Ruth showing one of her gifts.
Easton showing off his new
Easton and Evan working on one of
Eastons gifts.

Ethan working on one of his gifts.

Dad and Rodney working on breakfast.

Watching their 3-D snowman movie they got. Nice way to end the morning!