Orange Bowl 2009
Ruth knows how much my dad and I love sports. Especially college Football. So for a Christmas gift she got my dad and I tickets to the Orange Bowl. Cincinnati was playing Virginia Tech. We had a great time. We got there real early because neither one of us had been there before, so we did not know what to expect as far as travel and then once we got there. I am glad though because we were able to get to our seats and relax before the game started. Cause as you can see in some of my pictures, there was not alot of people there when we got to our seats. There were alot of them outside the Stadium, but not inside. Oh by the way, for those who may not know, the game was played at Dolphin Stadium in north Miami. So it was not a long drive, about 90 miles. So that was nice too! I had borrowed Ruth's camera because mine needed batteries. Well wouldn't you know it her batteries did not last long so I felt like I took a lot of pictures, but when I go to put them on here, I think man I did not take any good ones. Oh well, you get what you get.
It was a good game, although Cincy lost. The final score was V.Tech 20, Cincinnati 7. Cincinnati scored on their first possession and that was it. But it was a good game. Thanks Ruth, Dad and I had a Great Time!!!!!
My attempt at getting the field behind me.
As you can tell, it was pretty windy. That made it a little chilly
My attempt at getting dad with the field. He really loved going and was taking it all in.
Here is the both of us. As you can see we were all the way at the top.
Can you see the smile on dads face. He loved it.
He has not been to a college game in a looong time.
And never a BCS game.
This is when they were comming out to warm up.


Running out to start the pregame stuff.

The flag! Duh, right.

This was towards the end of the game, I guess the coach was
trying to get them going. Did not work. )<:
Like I said we had a great time. Can't wait to do it again. Although I would rather it be Michigan playing. Oh well hopefully next season! Ruth did notice that Michigan State was playing in Orlando, but of course that was AFTER she had already bought these tickets. Dad is a Michigan State guy so he would have loved that, BUT WE HAD A GREAT TIME AT THE GAME WE WENT TO!